Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Tentang Sahabat

Our hands created to not be split

Sahabat, siapakah mereka??
Mereka adalah seseorang yang mengenal kita lebih dari seorang teman.. Hanya sahabat kitalah yang tahu benar tentang kita, sifat kita, kelemahan kita, tabiat kita. Di luar rumah, kita menghadapi banyak orang, dan teman-teman dengan berbagai karakter, terkadang, bukan orang tua yang tahu kebiasaan kita ketika di luar rumah, namun sahabat kita. Terkadang, orang tua kitapun tidak mengenal sahabat kita, sehingga urusan antara aku dan sahabatku adalah urusan kita berdua, karna yang tahu dia adalah aku, bukan orang tuaku, atau orang lain.

We are different and It Makes Us Special
Mereka adalah seseorang yang berani dengan tegas memarahi kita, menegur kita, ketika kita salah, karena mereka peduli, mereka takut kita di jalan yang salah, mereka takut kita berdosa, kaena Muslim akan selalu ingat-mengingatkan satu sama yang lain.
Our Hands will be always Ready Behind
Mereka adalah seseorang yang mampu merangkul kita di saat kita jatuh, mengerti setiap tangisan dan amarah yang kita keluarkan, walaupun kita hanya diam, walaupun kita berusaha tegar dan tersenyum di depan mereka, namun, mereka akan tetap tahu apa isi hati kita. Merekalah orang-orang yang senantiasa menjaga perasaan kita, agar kita kuat, agar kita bahagia, agar kita berani dengan ketidakraguaan ketika akan memulai sesuatu, sehabis tertimpa reruntuhan, dan kembali menyembuhkan segala luka.
You Have Your Own Shadow, and So Do I

Mereka adalah dua orang yang berbeda, dengan tujuan hidup yang berbeda. Namun menetapkan langkah bersama menuju masa depan, saling mengukuhkan satu sama lain, dan TIDAK ada sekalipun berpikir untuk menjadikan persahabatan adalah ajang persaingan. Tak ada yang saling menutupi, tak ada yang saling mendahului, mereka punya bayangan mereka sendiri-sendiri, dengan garis start yang sama, dan ujung yang sama pula, yaitu kesuksesan, walaupun jalan menuju itu berbeda.

It's instinct which bought you here when I'm alone, sad, and need help. Tanpa kusadari kau selalu ada walau aku hanya diam, tanpa kusadari kau tahu setiap amarahku, tanpa ku sadari kau memperhatikan setiap langkahku dari kejauhan, walaupun kita jauh, atau dekat.

Terimakasih telah berbagi banyak hal, melihat berjuta keindahan dunia, keagungan Allah SWT, belajar berjuta makna kehidupan, melindungi dan membelaku di saat banyak orang ak mempercayaiku, dan KAMU, berani bicara di depan mereka, 'Aku bukan seperti itu!!!' 

Sahabatku, terimakasih atas semua yang telah kau berikan, waktumu, pulsamu, uangmu, karena telah menguatkanku. Semoga Allah meridhoinya, dan semoga kita akan tetap menjadi sahabat sampai akhir nanti dan di syurga nanti, Amin, InsyaAllah...

Tentang Hobby

Sejak kecil suka banget main keyboard. Inget banget pas aku kecil habis main-main, sorenya latian main keyboard sama ayahku. Dulu suka banget mainin lagu-lagu klasik kayak for elise, dan beberapa lagu yang entahlah sekarang judulnya apa (lupa). Dulu, maininya tuh enak banget, karna aku bisa baca not balok, jadi kalau main ya main aja. tinggal liat not baloknya trus mainin deh.

Sampai umur delapan tahun, lalu aku vakum main musik lagi karna aku sibuk dengan teman-temanku dan aku mulai malas main musik, padahal sekarang aku nyesel banget gak nerusin belajar main musi. haha. sekarang aku lupa gimana baca not balok dan mainin lagu-lagu klasik.

kemudian, aku mulai tertarik belajar main keyboard lagi setelah aku masuk SMA. jari-jariku sudah tak seelues dulu ketika masih kecil sih, kaku dan aneh. nada-nada yang aku mainkan juga tak sekreatif dulu, musikalitasku juga menurun. namun, entah kenapa, aku mulai menyukai, bahkan berniat untuk memperdalam bermain musik lagi untuk kedua kalinya. karena dulunya aku belajar musik klasik, aku sengaja memilih lagu-lagu yang agak rumit untuk membiasakan jari-jariku selues seperti dulu ketika aku masih kecil. aku belajar memainkan lagu, A THOUSAND MILES milik Vanessa Charlton, yang akhirnya selama belajar ngulik nada dan melodinya, dua bulan kemudian aku bisa memainkannya. :))

Sekarang, masa kuliahku, aku mulai menyukai musik jazz. Karena musikalitasnya bagus dan ketika memainkannya, ada sense tersendiri yang tidak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata. Lagu-lagu milik Alicia Keys, Micheal Buble, dan sedikit belajar tentang jazz. Walaupun keahlianku sudah tidak sama seperti dulu, aku menikmati setiap lagu yang aku mainkan. Apalagi, sekarang aku sudah mulai menikmati bermain piano daripada keyboard. InsyaAllah, kalau aku sudah menikah nanti, aku ingin membeli satu buah piano yang bisa dimainkan anak-anakku nanti.

Aku lebih suka menikmati musik untuk telingaku sendiri. Aku jarang sekali perform, menunjukkan keahlianku sebagai keyboardis ataupun pianis. Aku menikmati musik, bernyanyi dengan aransemen lagu sendiri, untuk diriku sendiri, karena dengan begitulah aku bisa menikmati musik senikmat-nikmatnya. Lagu-lagu yang sering aku mainkan adalah:
_1000 miles
_Family Portray
_Ordinary Day
_For Elise
_Cinta Sejati
Sebelum aku memulai memainkan lagu-lagu yang baru, aku mewajibkan satu dari lagu-lagu favoritku, dimainkan.

bagiku, musik bukan bagaimana cara kita menikmatinya, tapi bagaimana cara kita memainkannya, menikmatinya, dan merasakannya. semoga aku masih tetap bisa bermain musik sampai kapaanpun. Amin.
Terimakasih ya Allah, untuk semua karuniaMu. :))

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Colored People

"You're not white! You're colored!"
People in America until the end of Civilian war or even now, still use a -colored-one to call a black people who is existing in the land. Slavery, that is the term of who-are-they in that time who were threw away from south. I'm applicating what was I get from drama class today.
Colored! why were they colored?? When I first heard this word I feel God suddenly colored people who were actually white, or in other word colored a white wall with red-black color and made them are NOT pure anyway. Like having hundreds of guilt without a pride.
The 2011 National Black History Theme is "African Americans and the Civil War". What's happening in Civilian war??
The different states had varying policies concerning slavery. In some areas of the country where religious groups such as the Quakers played a prominent role in political life, there was strong opposition to having slaves. Rhode Island abolished slavery in 1774 and was soon followed by Vermont (1777), Pennsylvania (1780), Massachusetts (1781), New Hampshire (1783), Connecticut (1784), New York (1799) and New Jersey (1804). The new states of Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Kansas, Oregon, California and Illinois also did not have slaves. The importation of slaves from other countries was banned in 1808. However, the selling of slaves within the southern states continued.

Conflict grew in the 19th century between the northern and southern states over the issue of slavery. The northern states were going through an industrial revolution and desperately needed more people to work in its factories. Industrialists in the North believed that, if freed, the slaves would leave the South and provide the labour they needed. The North also wanted tariffs on imported foreign goods to protect their new industries. The South was still mainly agricultural and purchased a lot of goods from abroad and was therefore against import tariffs. that's the story begins.

although people are/were judging about black people. Once that I love from them is that they created a jazz music by their oral culture!
Pre-Jazz (1850 - 1900)
This time before the conscious recognition of jazz as an individual music is perhaps its most important. It was then that the musical and cultural influences merged to create the uniqueness and diversity of jazz. However, because records were not kept and recordings were not available, much of the history of prejazz goes unknown. We can look back and try to recreate it by looking at the writings of the day and by projecting backwards from what we know now of jazz.
The influences seemed to come from all directions. The African musical practices that remained a part of the slave culture were superimposed on the dominant white musical culture of western Europe. The western tradition spanned music as diverse as the songs of Stephen Foster to the operas of Wagner. The popular music of the day had simple harmonies, simple rhythms, and the form often used was AABA. The black tradition depended more on oral transmission and was represented by spirituals, work songs, field hollers, and later the blues. At this same time, four million slaves became American citizens. The four million, mixing their African background with the popular and church music around them, were to be the nucleus of jazz. 

while some people hate colored!!! i thankful to them made jazz!!!!!!!!!!!

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

So sick of Friend song

Gotta change my answering machine
Now that I'm alone
Cause right now it says that we
Can't come to the phone
And I know it makes no sense
Cause they walked out the door
But it's the only way I hear their voice anymore
(it's ridiculous)
It's been months
And for some reason I just
(can't get over us)
And I'm stronger than this
(enough is enough)
No more walking round
With my head down
I'm so over being blue
Crying over you

And I'm so sick of friend songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing friend were still here
Said I'm so sick of friend songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?

Gotta fix that calendar I have
That's marked March 25th
Because since there's no more them
There's no more anniversary
I'm so fed up with my thoughts of them
And their memory
And how every song reminds me
Of what used to be

That's the reason I'm so sick of friend songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing they were still here
Said I'm so sick of friend songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?

(Leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Stupid friend songs)
Don't make me think about their smile
Or having my bestfriend
I'm letting go
Turning off the radio

Cause I'm so sick of friend songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing they were still here
Said I'm so sick of friend songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(why can't I turn off the radio?)

My psychologist, My corrector Machine

Long time ago in the early morning, someone a far from here called me as usual, and talked to me lots of stories. He said that he was looks like at the grave all day when He was with his friends.
“They do not like me!” He said.
“They thought I’m selfish!” He said.
“They thought me wrong!” He said.
I was in vain heard his sounds so disappointed.
He said again,
“What was my fault?”
“I have done many things for them!”
“I should have been acted well”
And last, he said “I hate them!”

Once in that Morning, I heard great disappointment toward his voice but I know someday he would be so much disappoint because of his statement about his friends.
I said, with my big condolences “you should let it be!”
And he said “let what??”
“Being a friend to a friend is somewhat easier than making a friend to be our friend! When you have a friend, one basic thing you are related is a feeling of needs, trust, and love! Have you ever felt angry when you are banned by your friend not to have a relation with A? For example, someone that you really-really love?”
“Oh my God, who is She or He rules anything I want!” said he.
“Maybe she or He doesn’t mean to rule you, but they have different perspective about the good and bad one!’
“Well, I think they’re just my friend, who has also common perspective in looking forward to something, right?”
“But they look at you, differently! You can look other, but somehow you can not look at yourself! You may don’t know what is the bad or good for you! And that’s the core function as a friend; a corrector, a psychologist for your brain, your heart!!”
“Well, If it so.. I don’t need them! Because I don’t want to be ruled! I have my own world, own plan, own dream, and it’s all up to me!”
“Well, well, well, I think you’re right! You don’t need friends, even if you need, you only need based on your needs and finally they do not give you an advantage, they are not considering again as your friends!”
“I think that is the definition of friend for you! Am I right?”
“No, actually. I still love them, Im just disappoint!” he said.
“It’s okay, parents often disappoint us, but we still love them! Just do it to your friends! Let the problem makes you disappoint away!!”
“Thank you, Nathalie! I think you are the best friend I have, who might be never feeling what I feel!”
I smiled, “I said this all, based on my experience and only from my experience, John! Good luck!”